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Thread: ways to make money with vantage

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    ways to make money with vantage

    hi, i am looking at vantage as a replacement for my london directory website and wanted to discuss a few things.

    what are the main ways people make money with Vantage? Do these exist in the current version, or in addons?

    - charging for quick approval of new listings
    - charging for featured listings
    - charging for link removals
    - charging for added features ie. maps, rss feeds, more info, subpages, photos

    what other ways are there that make money?

    I would also like to import all the 100,000+ websites from the current live site and wonder about the current directory structure. should i start again.

    Also, does the Vantage system have any way to spider/crawl websites. Does it have any way to make screendumps/images of the website.

    thanks in advance for any replies

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    The default monetization related features of Vantage are that you can charge users to place listings, including featured listing options (and/or specific category pricing). You can also charge for businesses to claim their listings. Specific plan settings can be seen on the Vantage admin demo here. Other ways to make money can come from ad spaces, for which there are also default ad spaces available in the theme itself, whether you're using Google Ads or outside of that.

    Vantage has a built in .csv importing tool as shown here, so if you have the listings in this format it will be possible. You can read other useful information about our importing tool here and here.

    No, there are no other built in features for what you describe. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    Vantage has a built in .csv importing tool.
    Can you share a sample CSV file?

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Unfortunately not, but it contains the most basic fields displayed on the Vantage listing. More is explained in the link I posted above here. Thanks.

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