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Thread: What Changed with Version 1.1?

  1. #1
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    Guest questionable's Avatar

    What Changed with Version 1.1?

    I noticed JobRoller was updated last week to v1.1. What were the changes? I'm very close to purchasing but would love to know. Thanks!

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    It includes some fixes and added/improved features like;

    - Relist option
    - Allow html in job descriptions option
    - exclude blog page option
    - edit job page template/functionality added
    - tinymce
    - new users are 'contributors;
    - job cat display in post
    - added author column to admin jobs
    - New geolocation features to all screens/listings. Jobs without lat/long will be 'Anywhere'
    - Added Job Category Listing Template
    - Make description boxes wider
    - Added Logging functionality
    And many more..
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