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Thread: What is the difference between classipress & vantage?

  1. #1
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    What is the difference between classipress & vantage?

    Hello Forum,

    I am thinking about being a new customer & I would like to know something... I want to create a business directory where by businesses can claim a listing I have added & choose to have a 'listing membership' but I also want to be able to sell advertising on the home page & the category pages as well as the premium listing upgrades. I also want to have it as a local directory so viewing listing via a map would be great also.

    What I would like to know is what is the difference between classipress & vantage? And which one would be the most suited to my project?

    If I also wanted to have a section that might have classifies (again people can choose to buy a featured listing) is this possible or will that muddle the waters too much....


  2. #2
    Shannon's Avatar
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    ClassiPress is for classified ads
    Vantage is a business directory

    Vantage specifically is capable of providing some of the features you mention.

    Claim a listing? Check!
    The "Claim Listing" button is on the same line as "add to favorites".

    Ads on home page and category pages? Check!
    As you can see, there are widgetized ad spots in the header, sidebar, bottom of the listings and the footer.

    Premium listing upgrades? Check! Here are a couple of tutorials that describe Vantage pricing plans in detail. You can offer several plans, attach them to categories, offer featured listings and more.

    A listing membership is not something that you could do with the theme but there are many possibilities with pricing plans as you can see in the tutorials.

    There are maps for individual business listings but not a single map for finding listings. The next major feature release for Vantage will include more map features.

    Vantage is definitely the appropriate choice for you.

    You can run Vantage and ClassiPress on a WordPress multisite install but they would run almost as separate sites. The only advantage is that users would only need to sign in once to access both sites. If you modified the look of the sites to match, this may give the appearance of a single site.

    Let us know if we can provide additional answers.


  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Hi Shannon,

    Thank you for the clarification.

    Can you also confirm for me if Vantage is mobile friendly for both Android & Iphone?

    Am I able to link multiple Vantage directories that have & are on different domains for internavigation between the different local sites?

    Also can I set up pricing plans to include:

    Basic: (free)
    Name, address, phone number, website, short description

    Expanded: (paid)
    Name, address, phone number, website, short description & link to expanded listing page that has more features like reviews etc...

    Premium: (paid)
    fully featured option

    Also can I set it up so that there is a general price for listing in any category on the site?
    And what if a business wants to have multiple categories how can they choose to pay for this? (provided that apply to that category)
    What about if they want to add a category listing later?

  4. #4
    Shannon's Avatar
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    Can you also confirm for me if Vantage is mobile friendly for both Android & Iphone?
    There are some minor, issues with the theme on Andriod and iPhone. But the theme can be viewed on both platforms. We don't have a responsive or mobile design yet but it's on the way.

    Am I able to link multiple Vantage directories that have & are on different domains for internavigation between the different local sites?
    Sure. There's no reason why you would not be able to do this. Just like any WordPress site, Vantage menus are fully customizable. You could add links in the main navigation and footer menu. You could also place links in the sidebar and other place. Please note this would allow easy navigation between sites but it would not allow he sites to intermingle. Separate Vantage sites would remain separate.

    Also can I set up pricing plans to include...
    Pricing plans currently allow you to provide different prices, listing duration and featured status. They would not allow or prohibit the use of custom fields or other listing details.

    Also can I set it up so that there is a general price for listing in any category on the site?

    And what if a business wants to have multiple categories how can they choose to pay for this?
    Currently, you can only have one category per listing. So allowing additive pricing for multiple categories is not an option. Multiple categories per listing - without the additive pricing - have been a huge request by users. We're looking into way that we can change this. In the meantime, we will have a temp work around to allow multiple category listings.

    There you go!


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