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Thread: What separates the Featured Listing vs a regular listing?

  1. #1
    Thread Starter
    Guest EricWPM's Avatar

    What separates the Featured Listing vs a regular listing?

    I'm waiting for Version 1.1 to be released so I can buy Vantage!!! Some great features coming!

    My question is what are the differences between the Featured vs Regular listing?

    Is there a way to create a Free listing with very basic features like only showing the business name, address, and phone?

    A regular paid listing could contain more info like reviews and a Featured listing should contain it all plus extras like embedding videos, more photos, printable coupons, etc.

    For example a typical restaurant directory has many different types of food (categories) but each category only has 5-10 restaurants. So if each listing has the same elements and only difference is the business gets listed at the top with a little Featured banner then it makes it hard to sell additional value of the Featured listing because there are only a few restaurants in each category and a visitor can easily see all the listings anyway so it's hard to upsell the Featured listings since it's not much different than the regular listings below it. Hope that makes sense?

    Something like that doable in Version 1.1 or will it have to be considered for future versions :)


  2. #2
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    My question is what are the differences between the Featured vs Regular listing? What separates the "Featured" listing from a regular listing?

    From what I can see... it's just the feature stripe graphic and getting the listing bumped to the top.

    Surely there must be more to it than that??

    Can someone let me know please...


  3. #3
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    Is the question too simple or too stupid???? Is this how you treat potential customers???

    Again what are the differences between a "Featured" listing and a regular listing???? Is it just the featured stripe and showing the listing at the top?

  4. #4
    samcy's Avatar
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    Hello and sorry for the late respond.

    Yes, out of the box there are no further options. You will need to customize the theme to suit your further needs.
    Rolf Hassel (Samcy)

  5. #5
    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Whew.... AppThemes is alive :)

    Thanks Samcy for responding to my questions. I have a lot of ideas to send in for consideration in version 1.2

    You guys are definitely doing some cool and innovative things with your themes! Just waiting for Version 1.1 to be released so I can buy!!!


  6. #6
    tcarter's Avatar
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    Once you buy, you can send in all your ideas to We look through this list to find some of the best ideas that we put into our themes.

  7. #7
    Guest Owenue's Avatar
    In it something is also to me it seems it is excellent idea. Completely with you I will agree.

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