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Thread: What I would need to make this work for me.

  1. #1
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    What I would need to make this work for me.

    Having gone through the features, demo and the forums there are a few things that would be crucial for me to make my classifieds site work with ClassiPress.

    If anyone can advise or make suggestions to these points.

    1) As my Paypal account is Spanish but my clients are English my paypal page is presented to would be purchasers in Spanish. This is a huge turn off and costs me money. This can be worked around by adding some code to the paypal button <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="US"> but where would I find the correct page in the theme to add this code so that it was in every generated paypal button?

    2) Google Maps sometimes struggles with the area of Spain where I am based ao I would need to automatically add the word "Mallorca" to every location that an advertiser created when creating an ad. This way google mapping picks up the right location. How and where could this be done?

    3) Off line payments such as cash and bank payments are very popular over here. Is there anyway to accommodate these in ClassiPress?

    4) I would like to create a drop down regional search and also have this added into the ad creation page so that a user would enter their location but also select a region from a drop down. Visitors could then search on this region to show ads with that region selected.

    Any advice that anyone could give on how to achieve the above would be most welcome.

    I would need to be able to know these things are achievable before I could purchase the theme.

  2. #2
    Founder dcowgill's Avatar
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    Re: What I would need to make this work for me.

    1) There are two spots I believe where you'd need to add this.

    2) You could change CP from using the US google maps url to the Spain locale.

    3) At this time CP only supports PayPal. What other payment systems would you suggest? Is there a bank payment transfer site equivalent to PayPal?

    4) There is a tutorial in the forum on how to add additional fields. Adding a regional search would require some extra work though so unless you are a developer, I don't recommend trying to do it.

  3. #3
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    Re: What I would need to make this work for me.


    In response to your answers to my questions:

    1) So this is possible then if the code is added to these "two spots" ? Seems simple enough. However if this was done on 2.9 would it be a problem to upgrade to 3.0

    2) Thank you.

    3) Some form of manual payment option and bank transfer option. Would not need to be complicated. A possible solution would just be to have a placeholder that showed the advertiser the id number on the payment page with instructions on how to pay and which bank account to pay to.
    Could even be sent in an email when someone selects bank transfer. using id, amount and instructions.

    4) I could pay a developer to do this I guess, the reason for the request is that people may only be interested in looking at ads that are near to where they live. Currently this would involve searching under each location separately but if it had a region option then it may simplify things.

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