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Thread: who is actual owner of jobroller script?

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    who is actual owner of jobroller script?

    i am looking at directory / classified theme to buy. your faq states there are no resellers, et al authorized to sell your products. if that is the case, why is jobroller listed on other for sale sites? who exactly would i be buying it from? you sort of clarified the situation with your faq but then to see "your" work posted and exhibited on multiple other sites for sales makes me ask "who's scr**g who?"

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    AppThemes is the owner and creator of ClassiPress, JobRoller, Vantage, and Clipper themes (and there are sure to be future themes as well).. so as long as you are purchasing these through our website only, then you are buying a legitimate copy of the theme, and you will have full access to the support forums and access to your customer portal which is where you download the theme and any future versions of the theme.

    From our FAQ page:
    Does AppThemes have partner web sites that can legally sell or distribute our themes? No. Any other site you find selling or providing a copy of our themes for free are unauthorized and breaking the law. They may claim to be “licensed resellers” or “distributors” but there is no such thing. Also, downloading a nulled version (free copy) from other web sites is very dangerous. You have no idea what malicious code has been added to the theme and risk losing your web site and database. Read this article and this article for more details.

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