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Thread: why am i getting a msg stating i didnt make a purchase?

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    why am i getting a msg stating i didnt make a purchase?

    i just purchased the script classipress last night and made the payment through paypal by echeck and today i see an email stating i didnt complete my purchase from a support team ...?? Please explain someone

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    You may contact the Appthemes After Sales department through this form Contact Form | AppThemes .
    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    thanks jomarkosabel i just emailed them through that form hopefully there is a respond fast :) thanks again

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes I believe you should have a response to your email by now ;)

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