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Thread: Will ClassiPress 3.3 be fully responsive( iOS, Android, tablets, desktop) ?

  1. #1
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    Guest ds007's Avatar

    Will ClassiPress 3.3 be fully responsive( iOS, Android, tablets, desktop) ?

    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    The responsive design changes for ClassiPress are due in version 3.3
    Does that mean that all the layouts will be updated and properly tested to scale well, from the 320x480 iPhone to the 1920x1200 desktop?

    That would be a major upgrade and a feature that people have been asking about for a long time.
    Currently the theme release page only mentions "Updates to payment processing" for 3.3

    In Asia mobile browsing is becoming the norm, so it is essential to have a responsive theme for us to consider ClassiPress.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes this is the plan, and we will likely release a beta version to existing customers before the official/stable release so that there is the opportunity to test the changes as much as possible.

    On a related note, you may like to know that there is an existing responsive child theme for ClassiPress already available in the AppThemes Marketplace, which has of course been popular amongst those who wish to have those changes now. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest ds007's Avatar
    Great news, thanks!

    We would need to create our own child theme for extensive customization to the login page, add map search, custom profiles etc.

    As for ClassiSky - Wordpress doesn't support grandchild themes properly, so that's one reason why having a responsive Classipress core theme is essential for us in the longer term.

    We are currently using another theme, but we'd like to switch to Classipress due to the well written code and very good support.

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Thanks for the feedback :)

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