Willing to Buy, som Pre Sale Questions?
I would like to buy classipress, before I have some questions to admin.
1. I found in classipress features page "50% offer any version of classipress if signup with of your preferred web hosting partners!", I willing to choose developer license, it shows $149, i m going to buy hostgator hosting plan, as per your offer i get it for $74.5, right?
2.in your classipress post page, there is a map found, but there is no option for map in post ads section. how its take ad poster location?
3. in your admin panel demo, there is no option to add category and subcategory. how can i add it?
4. in post a classfied section, post form is same for all category, but i need to change category wise post form, is there option to do this?
for example,
Realestate category, Budget field
Jobs category, Qualification field
5. there is option to add images in post section and option to manage images in admin panel also, what about the image when we delete post which posted with image, image also will be delete?
Thanks in advance.