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Thread: Word Filter and YouTube

  1. #1
    Sean Justin
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    Guest Sean Justin's Avatar

    Word Filter and YouTube

    Q.1 Does the Classipress script have bad word filter?

    Q.2 Does the Classipress script have a column to fill in and to display YouTube videos?

    If Classipress does not have those features, then do w expect these features in future version?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    1. No, there is no built in function for this.
    2. Not sure what you mean exactly by a column? But you can add YouTube embed code to an ad listing which will appear as you see from the ClassiPress demo:

    I'm not aware of any plans to specifically include these features in a future release at this time. Feature requests can be submitted on the AppThemes Ideas Exchange, where our development team can consider requests based on community votes.

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