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Thread: WP-E-Commerce Plugin NOT Supported

  1. #1
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    WP-E-Commerce Plugin NOT Supported


    My developer is working on my domain (I do not want to disclose the name of Theme or my domain, hope you understand it). Though the thing I can disclose right now is, I am from India and I want to use Indian Rupee Symbol or Text as my default currency.

    It recently was brought to my notice that AppThemes Wordpress Themes does NOT support WP-E-Commerce Plugin, it can be said especially for those countries where the default Payment Gateway PayPal is not supported.

    If this is the case, then what will be the use of buying any theme when the client can not use another Third Party Plugins for applying their own Currencies into the drop-down list.

    As far as the documentation CREATING A NEW CURRENCY is concerned, it does not fulfil the requirement as it is not showing HOW TO USE "APP_Currencies::register_currency() on the init hook" and also it is not showing WHICH CHARACTER to be put there under "note:Please change the > to this character >".

    My main concern is, if I am unable to use PayPal or Skrill because of restrictions in my country, and on the other hand, also if I do not want to use etc, then the options left with me are, EITHER to use any Third Party Payment Gateway Integration Kit (Plugins) OR/AND to "change" the default currency to "show" MY CURRENCY (Indian Rupee) in the drop-down list, so that, after setting up a Payment Plan, the Users will "see" & "recognize" their currency symbol instead of USD $ symbol during the purchase. Regarding the first option above, using WP-E-Commerce Plugin is not possible, and regarding the second option, its just getting tough for me to "know" HOW TO apply this thing. My developer denied to do it and I am now stuck with almost nothing in hand.

    So, I would like to request you to kindly guide me how to implement this so that EITHER the Plugin WP-E-Commerce can be installed OR the drop-down list "show" Indian Rupee in the payment list OR nothing is shown, neither the Dollar Symbol nor the Rupee Symbol.

    Can ANYONE or the FORUM SUPPORT guide & help.

  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    You're correct in saying that the plugin is not supported, AppThemes does not officially support third party plugins or customizations. For this reason, we don't have instructions available to you for either of these things you're asking for help with outside of what was already provided with the currency tutorial or through use of one of the other available payment gateway plugins. We do however have a certified partners page where you can find developers for hire who are experienced at working with our themes. It's also not clear if you're asking as a pre-sales customer or if you're already using the theme and trying to get this to work?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepsi View Post
    You're correct in saying that the plugin is not supported, AppThemes does not officially support third party plugins or customizations. For this reason, we don't have instructions available to you for either of these things you're asking for help with outside of what was already provided with the currency tutorial or through use of one of the other available payment gateway plugins. We do however have a certified partners page where you can find developers for hire who are experienced at working with our themes. It's also not clear if you're asking as a pre-sales customer or if you're already using the theme and trying to get this to work?

    Thanks for replying and understanding the issues. I do agree with you that you can not provide such information to an unknown person, especially who is not logged-in because you don't know whether the person is a "real customer" or just a fake.

    Well, I will ask my developer to put the same query here again with his own ID because he is the "legitimate" client here.

    Till then, waiting.........

  4. #4
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Yes this would be the best idea, thanks for your understanding.

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