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Thread: I would like to know what users are saying

  1. #1
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar

    I would like to know what users are saying


    I am looking at buying the Vantage theme but before I do I would like to be able to read what other users are saying about it and what issues they have. I think its a bit strange that you do not allow access to the forums until I have purchased the theme. How can anyone see how certain issues are resolved and what leval of support you give if you refuse access until after purchase.

    When I search on Google I come across a few issues that other users have that are on your product forum but I cant see the answer you have given on how to resolve these. What possible reason would you havbe for hiding your answers? After all you are willing to show the questions!

    I cant take the risk of buying your theme and not knowing if you give answers in your support, is it possible that I could register so I can see answers please?


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Hi Chris, our support forums are restricted to only verified AppThemes users (i.e. those who have purchased our themes), as this is basically one of the benefits we offer of being an AppThemes customer. It is an unfortunate fact that we have to deal with people who have obtained themes by illegal means, but restricting the forums is one way in which we can ensure those individuals don't simply use our forums as a means of seeking support as well. That would not be fair to our customers who pay for such services.

    The problem with seeing only the first post in a thread is that a customer may sometimes just need guidance in terms of correct setup or configuration (they're not always actual bugs), so this can appear as though there are problems when there may not be. Yes there are also issues which have been reported, and in those cases, these are addressed by our team with solutions or further discussion around diagnosis of the problem and fixes are provided in further releases of the theme or in the daily development build also available to our customers. If you have a specific concern, we're more than happy to clear it up for you here, but no, we do not have options for others to view the forums before purchase. There are reasons why we choose to have our forums this way though, and if it prevents you from buying a theme then this is ultimately your decision. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    OK I understand, its sometimes difficult to ensure you have everything you need in a template like this before buying and seeing issues that others have had does help.

    One of the things I have come across from other users is that when searching for a restaurant in a specific location such as "Italian London" all restaurants with Lindon or Italian would be returned is this correct?

    Also is it possible to add additional pages for a listing, for instance using restaurants as an example can pages for menus be added and pages for a blog for each listing?


  4. #4
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    Guest Unregistered's Avatar
    Just to explain I would like to be able to create additional tabs where the Overview and reviews tabs are and have menu, book and order online tabs.

  5. #5
    pepsi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    OK I understand, its sometimes difficult to ensure you have everything you need in a template like this before buying and seeing issues that others have had does help.

    One of the things I have come across from other users is that when searching for a restaurant in a specific location such as "Italian London" all restaurants with Lindon or Italian would be returned is this correct?

    Also is it possible to add additional pages for a listing, for instance using restaurants as an example can pages for menus be added and pages for a blog for each listing?

    With regards to search results, if you search a keyword and a location together, then results will return with listings using that keyword that are in or near the location selected. To see an example of how this works, you can go to the Vantage demo site and if you select "Italian" as the keyword with no location, it will return 2 results. If you select "Italian" with the location "Ballwin" it will return zero results as there are no Italian restaurants in that area. If you select "Ballwin" as the location on it's own, there are 2 pages of results.. So no, it will not provide location results if they don't also match the keyword you have selected.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Just to explain I would like to be able to create additional tabs where the Overview and reviews tabs are and have menu, book and order online tabs.
    In terms of adding other tabs in a listing, there is no default functionality to do this, so it would require customization on your part. There is no encryption which would prevent you from doing this, so technically it can be done. Just of note, listings can allow a .pdf upload option if you wanted that for something like menu's as well. Thanks.

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