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Thread: Do you have the right product for me?

  1. #1
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    Guest arexxx's Avatar

    Do you have the right product for me?

    Hello guys,

    i'm not a programmer and i'm new with wordpress. I worked with joomla a few years ago. Now i plan to create a website where my customers can publish and accept little tasks. So i need the following features:

    - User registration
    - pay money on the user-acc with paypal and creditcard
    - User can add new task-offer for money. (i.e. who wants to try my new product, get 0.5€)
    - User can accept task (i.e. i'll try the new product and get 0.5€ on my user-acc)
    - the user wich offered the task can control if the task is done or not, only when it's done the other user get the money
    - withdraw money on paypal and (maybe) credit card
    - display on mobile devices

    i hope it explained my needs (with my bad english^^). it is a low budget project, so i don't have that much money to spend.

    Do you have the right product for me? i don't know it's jobroller, or some other product? and what will it cost?

    i'm looking forward for your information,

    thank you and kind regards,


  2. #2
    pepsi's Avatar
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    We don't currently have any themes which will carry out all of the functions you describe, specifically any which deduct a portion of costs paid. Unless you were looking to customize an existing theme to add this kind of functionality, then sorry no there is nothing out of the box that will work for your project. Thanks.

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