My Ads are born already expired!!!
Hi everyone!
I'm Sorry for posting but I really couldn't find an answer for this in any existing post.
I have this issue, my new ads are been born already expired!

, Also when I relist them from the my admin panel in wordpress they re-appear, but nevertheless the "expired status" keeps on, and the ad is pruned again soon. This is new because it was working just fine before! Also I can't relist them from "my dashboard" I see the relist option, I click on it, and nothing happens, the ad link remains dead.
My configuration regarding this is:
- Version: Classipress (Small Business Edition)
- My "charge for ads" option is set to "Yes" and I have created an "ad packs" named "GRATIS" for the value of "0$" in order to activate the redirection to paypal when someone buys a featured status for the ad.
- Allow Ad Editing: Yes
- Allow Ad Relisting: Yes
- New Ad Status: "Published"
- Prune ads: Yes
- Ad Listing Period: 31
- Enable Coupons: No
My site is:
Please, could any one help me with this matter? is very problematic!
Thanks a lot in advanced.