Automatic approval after Banktransfer (gateway) to place an ad
In which .php file i am able to change the validation of a 'banktransfer' ? I know after the admin of the website changes the membership pack ID into 'Mark Paid' the customer are able to place ads! I want that blockade out of the way...! i don't want customers to wait until a 'banktransfer' has being processed. I want them to pick a membership pack and choose for 'banktransfer' and are able to instantly place ads on the website. Any tips where i can change the validation from false to true ?
Another issue is to redirect a page after processing
But it doesn't work at all!
if ( 'banktransfer' != $advals['cp_payment_method'] ) { ?>
<h2><?php _e('Please wait while we redirect you to our payment page.', 'appthemes');?></h2>
<div class="payment-loader"></div>
<p class="small"><?php _e('(Click the button below if you are not automatically redirected within 5 seconds.)', 'appthemes');?></p>
Kind regards,
Frank | Villadecker