Best way to categorise/create this? (1 kind of 'product')
I recently purchased Classipress and I think it is able to do what I need. Still I have some questions about this. Maybe you have more experience and can give some advice on this:
I would like to create a site where people can:
1. Post an object for sale. (The object is actually one kind of product, but specifications can vary a bit!)
2. Post to ask an object for sale.
3. Search in the posted AND asked objects.
4. Instead of normal categories I would like to use Provinces (It's for a Dutch site so its only 12 provinces!) as categories, and then Cities as subcategories. And then OBJECTS FOR SALE as subsubcategory AND OBJECTS ASKED as subsubcategory. And then people can post or ask for an object.
(Province -> City -> POSTED / ASKED -> objects)
OR... should I use POSTED / ASKED as categories and then another way of setting the region.
Summary: I want people to easily post/ask for/search an object (only one kind of object on my site) in a specific city!
I hope you understand my question/structure.
Thanks in advance.