Bug with some characters in CP 3.2.1
Reporting a possible bug in CP 3.2.1 involving special characters such as
' and
When an ad gets submitted by the end user from the front-end using one of the following characters ' or " in their Title or Description fields, it gets saved successfully without any display issues, even in the Final step preview page of the ad,everything looks normal.
Once the user logs back in to the Dashboard to update their ad, wherever a ' or " was involved, the following character took precedence / to all the ' and " characters upon saving the ad.
This occurs incrementally whenever the user makes changes to their ad and saves it, meaning, additional
/ are added before ' or " every time the ad is saved.
So the ad title would end up as such:
My first classified ad
////'s in
At first I thought it was related to third party plugins, but even when the plugins were disabled, this issue persisted.
Website: asmtl . net
WP 3.5
CP 3.2.1
This is a bit urgent given a live site is online and the issue is occurring across the ads.