Changing the ad status from draft to published problem
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[ADMIN: LOW PRIORITY - Handle when you can][/COLOR]
I seems to get around using the script just fine but I can't seem to figure this one out. I have tried to search here a bit as well but seems no one else either noticed this problem or they don't have this problem at all (which means I might be doing something wrong).
The problem presents itself this way: When we have the script in Approve mode and the new ads default status is draft, when I login to my admin account, to review the new ads and approve them,
upon changing the status from draft to published, seems it also takes over the ad under my admin account so the author, changes from my customer's to admin, now you see how that is a huge problem as the customer cannot access his ad anymore and the ad looks like posted by myself.
No one here seems to be having this issue so I suspect I might be at fault. For now I am keeping the script in approved mode so that's why this is a low priority issue for now.
Please be kind and suggest a solution when time permits.
Thank you!