Child theme help needed
I've just started playing with some mods and created a child theme with a style.css file in the folder.
The file contains the following code/rule which doesn't seem to be working
Theme Name: Classipress Child
Description: Child Theme for ClassiPress
Template: classipress
Version: 3.0.4
@import url("../classipress/style.css");
.header_menu { background:#002f67; border-top:0px solid #667daf; }
When I look at the element with Firebug it's showing the following:
.header_menu { background:#002f67; border-top:0px solid #667daf; }
but in strikethrough and the source is the child theme style.css. It also shows the blue.css rule above which is active. Is it because the rule I've added is in style/blue.css?
Any help very much appreciated
Nick Garnett