ColorBox Images
Hi All,
I have updated to Classipress 3.1.7 about a week ago. All was going fine till I noticed that the colorbox popup was not working for the single ad page. The image is displayed on its own when clicked.
The only plugin I installed since the upgrade was Super Cache, I have uninstalled it completly just incase it was that causing the conflict but still no colorbox.
I have colorbox installed, Is this needed or has classipress its own version in the app. I tried to deactivate it but still no colorbox.
Can someone have a look at the code below from the single ad page and see if there is something I'm missing.
<div id="main-pic">
<a rel="colorbox" class="img-main" href=" /2011/12/193367-500x295.jpg" style="opacity: 1;"><img alt="BMW 316i" title="BMW 316i" src=""></a>
<div class="clr"></div>