Contact form on ad page - Email now shows site name and admin email as sender?
In ClassiPress 3.0.X.X when you filled out the contact form on the single ad listing page, the ad poster would receive the email from the name and email as submitted by the person inquiring.
Now in 3.1.X, the email shows as from the site url/name and the admin email is listed. When you hit reply, it does fill in the correct reply address, but why did this change?
I don't want my site name and my admin email showing up for every email that is sent, it should work like it did before, with the senders name and email showing up.
Any insight as to why this changed?
In theme-emails.php it is still sending to 'from_name' and 'from_email' as it did before, but right below the contact ad poster section there is a new section: "// overwrite the default generic WordPress from name and email address"
When this entire section is removed, everything works again properly. So what is going on with this? Is this its intention, or is this a bug?