Expired status on new or relisted ads - Classipress 3
I am using Classipress 3.6.1 with WP 5.1 .1 and Classic editor on my site https://amiboost.com
When one clicks the "Relist" button in the user's dashboard, the ad shows up in the ad list but with an "expired" status,
and it still appears as expired in the user's dashboard with the Relist button.
Once relisted you cannot pause it as it is "expired". You may delete it but not pause it.
With a new ad, it shows normally on ad listing but status is "expired" (confusing !) so you cannot edit it nor pause it (and many users need to complete or finish it later). Just relist (with problem described above) or delete.
In both cases, admin is notified of a new ad.
I join screenshots.
Can you help about that. Thank you