Featured Ads question
I have my website set up to accept mostly free classified ads except 3 categories and all featured ads are paid ads. This shows up correctly in the ad placement form where a customer can check mark if they want the ad to be featured (and pay for it) or if they leave it unchecked they are not charged anything for placing an ad in a free category.
I was placing some free test ads which posted correctly but each one shows up as a featured ad despite leaving the featured ad option unchecked in the ad placement form. I read some posts on the forum which stated that random ads are selected and placed in the featured slider. Can this random selection be turned off? How long will the ad be featured if it is randomly selected? Does the random selection stop after a certain # of ads have been placed in the featured slider?
Obviously the random selection defeats my purpose of charging customers for featured ads. Once they figure out that their ad will automatically be placed in the featured slider without paying for it they will never have a motivation to pay for it!