Featured Image Slider Image Update
Ok, Im hoping that this is something someone has already dealt with and has a way to fix. I reuse some of the ads on my site and some of them are featured ads. When I change the picture in the ad, it doesn't update the image that displays in the featured ad slider (or the hover image for the ad).
I know that the images in the slider are pulled from wp_get_attachment_image_src, and I found a plugin that looks like it SHOULD work called Generate Post Thumbnails but running that does not cause the image that displays to update either.
Is there a plugin that anyone is aware of that will either show the image being shown in the featured image slot in the edit ad area that I can manually update the image being listed, or preferably something I can run once a week that will update all the images for all the posts at once? I'd even be happy with being pointed in the right direction to try and fanagle it myself.
An example can be seen at:
The Windfall
The Featured listing for The Auto Analyst (the short white one) shows a plain ad, but if you click on it, the graphic in the post itself is larger and in full color.