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Thread: Maybe I'm being a bit too ambitious...

  1. #1
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    Junior Member steeld's Avatar
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    Maybe I'm being a bit too ambitious...

    I'll just explain my idea as I'm sure it will be of interest to others. In fact, somebody may well have got all this working and perhaps I'm asking for something that is common knowledge. If so, some pointers would be greatly appreciated.

    I am using Register Plus Redux (RPR) to capture 2 additional fields at registration. These are Location (UK County) and Post Code (UK post code). I have also defined a new custom field in ClassiPress (CP) called Condition which, as you might expect, describes the condition of the item for sale. Location and Condition are drop-down lists.

    Now the tricky bits:
    1. I'd like to include the RPR fields on the CP forms when designing a Form Layout.
    2. When using the form (assuming that I can incorporate my RPR fields) I would like to pre-populate the Location and Post Code fields with the information as captured at registration.
    3. When dispaying an ad, I'd like to include Location and Condition in the summary above the ad.
    4. When sending an enquiry (Contact tab) and the user is logged in, I'd like to prepopulate the form with the Username and E-mail address.
    5. In addition to the above, I'd like insert to insert an additional Name field called Real Name so the advertiser can see the enquirer's real name as well as their WP username.

    As I said, maybe somebody has done this before or it could be that some of this is impossible and are wish list items for a future release.

    I'm not expert with php or WordPress database structures but I am experienced enough to take back-up copies of files before I tinker with them. I have also used other scripting languages. So, if you've any ideas...

    Thanks for reading.


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    Thank you and have a nice day.

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    Veteran doctorcilantro's Avatar
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