Possible bug?
May of found a bug..
Trying to remove the wording "Classified Ads Software | Powered by WordPress " etc from theme-footer.php but every attempt see's an error message...
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/creative/public_html/cuisinecard.co.uk/
wp-content/themes/classipress/includes/theme-footer.php:1) in /home/creative/public_html/cuisinecard.co.uk/
wp-content/themes/classipress/tpl-add-new.php on line 17
Surely this shouldn't be happening..
Everytime this happens I have to upload a fresh copy of "theme-footer.php" - and having the wording "Classified Ads Software | Powered by WordPress" doesn't go down well with clients!!
A speedy response would be appriciated.