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Thread: Server 500 error from 3.1.7 (and 3.1.6) updates

  1. #1
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    Junior Member swapmama's Avatar
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    Server 500 error from 3.1.7 (and 3.1.6) updates

    I've been running ClassiPress with a child theme (3.1.5) for about 8 months or so - has been working fine.

    When I went to update to 3.1.6 and now 3.1.7 I get a blank page (server 500 error) when I preview my 317 child theme. My child folder is avr-cp31x and the actual release folder is named classipress-31x.

    Here is the header code for the child theme style file:

    Theme Name: cp317 Child
    Theme URI:
    Description: Child of classified ads application theme brought to you by AppThemes.
    Version: 1.317
    Author: Alan Reinhart - child mods to ClassiPress

    Template: classipress-317

    @import url("../classipress-317/style.css");

    /* main */

    I was running with 3.15 and for this update only had to make new folder names and edit the ...315 to ...317 and made no other changes - but now the child theme breaks.

    I've turned on the wp debug function and it shows "appthemes_load_textdomain('appthemes');" on line 36 of ClassiPress file "theme-functions.php" as being an undefined function.

    I have turned off all plugins and they do not effect this issue. I've commented out the errant function on line 36 in the ClassiPress folder, and still (!) get the error.

    I copied the file "theme-functions.php" into my child theme and commented out the function on line 36, and left it as-released in the distribution folder hoping to over-ride it in the child theme.
    No go - always get the "server 500" error when I preview my 3.17 child.

    Any ideas?

    =Alan R (aka swapmama)

  2. #2
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    Please help our moderating team work more efficiently by not sending us support questions via PM. You can read more about how AppThemes support works here. However, you can send a PM to follow up and remind me if I missed your support request/thread.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

  3. #3
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