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Thread: Silver light plugin and flash plugin trouble

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    Silver light plugin and flash plugin trouble

    Okay chaps,

    This isn't a bug as such but it is a bit of an annoying problem.

    I have the silverlight and flash plugins 'set to ask to be activated' in my browser which is firefox latest version - The reason I do this is due to issues with both plugins in general when viewing most websites due to the inconsistant errors/issues both plugins cause due to their very nature.

    However - when posting a new ad it is noticable that on the step 2 (details page) of post an ad these two plugins are asking to be activated and if I set these to always allow for this page, I get a freeze up of a few seconds before the page displays.

    I can only attribute this to the plugins and the fact that classipress needs them activated to function correctly on the post an ad pages.

    Is there a reason why classipress relies on flash and silverlight on these pages and not just straight html5 instead?

    I understand the pluload for images is flash dependant but why silverlight?

    Surely an html5 variant would be better as it would be a better method across all devices without the reliance on flash or silverlight.



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