Single Ad View Using SSL With Google Map Sidebar JS File.
Before Fix:
Issue: 185 errors reported in Google Chrome Developer Console. EV SSL Cert knocked out as a result. SSL still works of course, but the EV SSL Cert will not display in the URL bar, due to the Google Maps Sidebar
JS script pulling unsecured content from the Google Servers.
I have corrected this issue before with other themes. However, I was unable initially, to correct this issue with the current build of Classipress 3.19. What I needed to know was, which file could I modify the "http:" sources to "http
s So the data which is being pulled from Google, is secured content. Here are the files I have changed the URL http: to http
After Fix:
After emptying cache on my browser, no changes took place to resolve this issue with changes initially made to the above files. However... in the directory, classipress/includes, editing the theme-enqueue.php file, line 20 and 59. Change the http: to http
s. Try this one file first. If this works for you, job done. If not, do the same in the above files mentioned, using the find and replace feature of your favorite php editor.
As always, modify your files locally, zip, upload, use C-Panel to decompress. This is the only known method to date to assure a perfect transfer of your program files. Unknown to many people, this is usually the primary reason, themes fail after files have been modified. The second culprit is usually a conflict with third party scripts. Which is why it's best to deactivate all plugins first, test again, before posting for a solution.