translation pot and the plugin codestyling localization
I like the classiform, but have a couple of issues:
1. The plugin Codestyling localization doesn't work with this theme:
because the way classipress mangles the localization file name (classipress-daDK) and puts it into the
wp-content/languages which is not the normal way of translating a website. I would prefer to make a child of the classipress and add my .po and .mo files there and with the standard translation file prefixes (daDK) as the system uses.
2. There doesn't seen to be any options for "trade", "buy", "sell", "give away".... what do I need to do to get this working?
3. why does this have to be theme and not a plugin?... would be nice if I could add classified to any plugin and handle it with shortcode and widgets.
my thoughts,