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Thread: User can choose his own password

  1. #1
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    Rookie eimoheiba's Avatar
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    User can choose his own password

    There is no verification of the E-mail addresses in version and every user can immediately insert his ads.

    All the user needs to do is to invent a password by himself and then he has direct access to the web-site. At the same time the user gets an automatic E-Mail containing the access data that he has created himself - and I fail to see the purpose of this E-Mail.

    In contrast to this, version 3.0.4. did provide the delivery of a secure password to the user which was created and sent by Classipress within the process of E-Mail verification.

    Now one single letter or number is sufficient as a password in order to gain access to the web-site.

    I can only hope that the old way of registration and E-mail verification will be made possible again in short time.
    Until then and in the meantime the field for entering the password should at least require a six-digit-input, so the user is prompted to choose at least a somewhat more secure password.

    How can that be brought about ?

  2. #2
    Veteran doctorcilantro's Avatar
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