What is going on with CLassipress sorry but here are standards not incl. and you sug.
So wat is going on with classipress ?
there is no support out there i mean it could not be, here are poor standards not included,
or updates were done without any reason of bugfixing,
so i really need to hide at my first ad page the --sub --sub categorys.
this is normal standard. (Version 3.15 possible V. 3.17 no more possible)
or what i should do with about 300 categorys i want to fill tem inside my page.
also your googe map function is just working in Britan an US.
but it give many many regions they dont have an adress or a housnumber allready in google.
So the people are asking for pins and you answerd us we must create for the Google api some code on our fees.
also your poor country state city sorting is a joke of corse,
or how did you mean if i want to ad 5 contrys into my site and all with the citys in it I CAN figure out my city tha that is terrible.
And please dont tel me i have to post this things in your
Ideas section there are waiting more than 400 things on you classistress team.
And no Timeline or any outshowing on wich time or how much things you will programm in a month.
So sorry but wat is this if i have known this bevor i never never buyed CLASSISTRESS.