2 Warnings after install
Hello there,
Everything seems to be working ok but I have the following 2 warning messages at the top of my dashboard, is this something to worry about? I dont want to get my site fully running only to re install it again.
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb:

repare(), called in /home/content/49/10330949/html/
wp-content/themes/clipper/includes/admin/admin-options.php on line 291 and defined in /home/content/49/10330949/html/
wp-db.php on line 990
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb:

repare(), called in /home/content/49/10330949/html/
wp-content/themes/clipper/includes/admin/admin-options.php on line 292 and defined in /home/content/49/10330949/html/
wp-db.php on line 990