Clipper Coupons Image shows 404 and Unable to Add Media in Coupon Screen
Clipper has stopped working correctly, I have the latest dev build 2.0.3 which I installed because the older build would not allow me to select Coupon Type. I can now select coupon type with the updated build however
I am experiencing the following:
1. When creating a new coupon, if I select Coupon Type as "Printable Coupon" it does not allow me to Add media. Clicking on Add Media does not do anything.
2. On the Older coupons, where I initially had a challenge saving the Coupon type, I can now select the coupon type but the image on the front end shows a 404 where the image of the coupon should be.
Can you help me? very important that I get this working for the client.
Thank you in advance for any help!