CouponJoy Lightbox Bug for Mobile Browsers - "Open Site" Button Off Screen
So on Apple iOS 15.x browsers, both Mobile Safari and Mobile Chrome (latest updated for each as of today) are working, however it is cutting off the "Open Site" button and the following text, "Paste this code at checkout when you are done shopping." is also being truncated. There is no scrolling right or left, the lightbox simply takes up the screen and you can barely see the edge of the "Open Site" button, thus making it confusing and potentially causing lost sales to a large degree!
It is bad enough that the only part of the "Open Site" button that you can see is the "O...and the rest is in never never land. Can someone please address this with a css fix or similar? This is ONLY an issue on Mobile, not desktop. And I have the latest CouponJoy and even the beta one from recently, both suffer from this bug. Please help!