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Thread: Wrong time Format in the Clipper-Dashboard

  1. #1
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    liefertraum's Avatar
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    Wrong time Format in the Clipper-Dashboard

    When i logged in, in the clipper-theme (with flatter child-theme) is the Dashboard Info widget: it shows up, last login and register date.

    PROBLEM: Its not the wordpress standard time, and date format. Where i can edit this strings to put in the right time format? (+2h)


    Hi Jomark,

    Since there is a confusion here about what the problem is and I am the developer of Flatter, let me please rephrase the questions for you. I hope I have understood correctly.

    1. When you login to Clipper, you are redirected to the homepage. How does one change the redirection to a different page?

    2. Flatter does not include any sidebar files. The said widget is coded into sidebar-user.php in Clipper but calls appthemes_get_reg_date() and appthemes_get_last_login() functions to display the relevant dates. @liefertraum thinks the dates are incorrect, can you please help?


    I THINK:

    This strings in the sidebar-user.php are wrong. Can you tell me the correct one?

    <strong><?php _e( 'Member Since:', APP_TD ); ?></strong> <?php appthemes_get_reg_date($current_user->user_registered); ?>
    <strong><?php _e( 'Last Login:', APP_TD ); ?></strong> <?php appthemes_get_last_login($current_user->ID); ?>

  2. #2
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    Thank you and have a nice day.

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