Error with Displayed Date (Bug)
I would like to report a bug I have found in the HireBee 1.4.7 theme to the developers. When a freelancer and an employer close/end a workspace, the "Closed On" date is expressed at the bottom of the page. It displays (Closed On:
a date), except the date shown is not the date that the project was closed, it's the date that the employer posted their project.
The error occurs in the files:
wp-content/themes/hirebee 1.4.7/dashboard-workspace-section-manage-employer.php (Lines: 114-117)
wp-content/themes/hirebee 1.4.7/dashboard-workspace-section-manage-worker.php (Lines: 87-90)
(This may occur in other files, I'm not sure.)
The code with the error is:
<legend><i class="icon i-closed-date"></i> <?php _e( 'Closed On', APP_TD ) ?></legend>
<p class="worker-status-timestamp"><?php echo appthemes_display_date( $post->post_date ); ?></p>
As you can see, it says Closed On, and then appthemes_display_date( $post->
post_date ). The date it displays is the post date.
Thank you for your time!