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Thread: Hirebee theme issues

  1. #1
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    Expired Customer nienaber1979's Avatar
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    Hirebee theme issues

    Hi Guys,
    I purchased your hirebee theme from you which I am currently setting up.
    I have however hit a few snags that I would like your assistance with.
    1. All featured images that I setup on the individual pages - they pull through to the pages themselves - which I do NOT want them to do. Is there a way to bypass this / edit this so that this does not happen?
    2. Related to the above - the page templates - is one able to edit these and if so, where?
    3. I have installed Yoast SEO - to assist with the SEO of the site. But I see that when I then edit the meta titles of the individual pages - it then pulls through these SEO metatitles through to the section of website directly underneath the primary nav bar. Is there a way to prevent this from happening as well?

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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