Some bugs - Mostly related to language pack
I have translated the English language pack to Norwegian, but there is some issues...
1. Search field shows "Search", not the Norwegian word that is translated.
2. Search (no)results shows partly wrong text string "...with the specified filters." Not possible to correct this in the language file (first text part is showing correct).
3. When sarching for "PHP" and "software" it gets no results, both for projects and freelancers. Should be able to search skills/tags/project details/specifications.
4. In "/purchase-credits/" it's a button saying "Privious step". Nott possible to correct this in the language file.
5. The "/profile/freelancer/" shows "per hour" even if the language file is updated with the Norwegian term.
6. In "/profile/freelancer/", when hoovering over location, it shows "User location" even if the language file is updated with the Norwegian term.
7. In "/profile/freelancer/", when hoovering over skills tags, it shows "the user skills" even if the language file is updated with the Norwegian term.
8. In "/projects/responsive-design-for-site/", when hoovering over expires in, it shows "time until expiration" even if the language file is updated with the Norwegian term.
9. In "/projects/responsive-design-for-site/", when hoovering over budget, it shows "project budget" even if the language file is updated with the Norwegian term.
Hope you can fix this as soon as possible.