Contact Jobseeker Form Issue (stripping email address)
I'm having an issue with the "Contact jobseeker" form. The email address entered into the 'Your Email' field is being stripped from the actual email being sent to the jobseeker. So the jobseeker has no way of replying to the person making contact.
To be fair, it's a conflict with another plugin called
HTML Email Templates
However, looking through the forum, it seems that others have experienced the same issue with other, similar types of plugin. The issue seems to be caused by the '<' and '>' characters in the following code (line 812 of jobroller/includes/theme-emails-copy.php)
PHP Code:
$message .= sprintf(__('From: %s <%s>.', APP_TD), $contact_name, $contact_email) . PHP_EOL;
I am wondering if the code could be improved by replacing the above with the following two lines:
PHP Code:
$message .= sprintf(__('From: %s.', APP_TD), $contact_name) . PHP_EOL;
$message .= sprintf(__('Email: %s.', APP_TD), $contact_email) . PHP_EOL;
I've modified my installation to reflect the above but obviously, this will get overwritten in future releases as I couldn't see any way of hooking this in the child theme.
I would very much appreciate the above change or something similar that removes the < and > symbols from this line.