Featured Job Price or get_option('jr_cost_to_feature') is gone from 1.7.1
I just about have my upgrade to 1.7.1 complete, then I run into this featured thing..I responded to a similar thread, but the support team responded back to the original poster, but not myself.
in previous job roller, 1.6.5 I think, 2 steps back we were..in the JobRoller admin, there is a tab in the left menu called 'Pricing', and in it is 'Pricing & Payment Settings', and in that is 'Featured Job Price', which can be found in the code with get_option('jr_cost_to_feature').
In the latest JobRoller 1.7.1, this option is gone..I was using it, and now I have to switch to the addons for the job packs..and am just about ready to test whether or not those will be per job, they appear to be..I suppose I will have to make it happen if not, but what happened to this option?
I got the "do_action( 'jr_plan_additional_options', $args )" to work for me, but am not sure if it will charge correctly, as I saw something in the code that leads me to wonder if a plan with 10 jobs will sell 10 featured addons, 1 each time they check out, or if they buy one, does it feature all 10 now?