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Thread: Google issue.

  1. #1
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    Veteran bleem's Avatar
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    Google issue.


    I am posting this here, but it is relevant to all appthemes sites which use google maps.

    Today - Right this very minute, as I type, there must be something wrong with google which has basically rendered my classipress sites and jobroller builds useless.

    Any page which requires the use of anything google maps isn't working. Infact it isn't loading anything. Just a blank page.

    Classipress home page works okay - but go to the page with a map on and boom - nothing!

    This is an issue I pre-empted a while ago about the google maps scenario. The themes should have an off and on switch to disable these maps as and when required.

    Or - the maps should be made as a plugin - so you can at least disable the plugin if you can't get access to your site because of this.

    I'm sure I am not alone here as I can't access some other webmaster sites who use appthemes jobroller etc.


  2. #2
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    Thank you and have a nice day.

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