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Thread: How to adjust the permalinks to remove 'jobs' as the base in the structure?

  1. #1
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    Amateur slmedia's Avatar
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    Question How to adjust the permalinks to remove 'jobs' as the base in the structure?

    Hi there,

    I installed jobroller in a subfolder called "jobs" off of my main domain so that it's
    My issue is that when i want to use a custom permalink structure, it ends up looking like this:
    The double 'jobs' is because 'jobs' is the base permalink structure, and I understand that I can change the word 'jobs' to whatever I want under
    the advanced settings tab in the backend. The issue I'm having is not that I want to change it to say something else - I would like to remove it.
    I don't need the extra word there because it is already in a subfolder called jobs, so anything there is just making the URL that much longer and is
    pretty irrelevent in my case. It's just an extra useless word in the URL structure for my specific setup. Can someone tell me how to remove it from my theme?


  2. #2
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