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Thread: How can I display only the State as the location?

  1. #1
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    Member russbaugh's Avatar
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    Question How can I display only the State as the location?

    Most recruiters are pretty secretive about the exact location of their job opportunity. They don't want other recruiters to figure out where their client is based and then lose the client to the other recruiter that might just happen to have a candidate already.

    They tend to say things like, "Our client, located in the rolling hills of west-central Pennsylvania" instead of identifying the exact town (which only has 1 or 2 employers that match the rest of the job description). They try to provide enough info to attract a job seeker without giving out too much info to the competition. the same time, they try to be truthful and do the right thing for both their client and the job seeker. ...and as such, they won't be intentionally misleading (such as saying that the job is in Harrisburg, PA when in fact it is in Hershey, PA).

    So, they run into a dilemma when filling out the location for the google maps. What they really want to say is simply "Pennsylvania" and then that would be what they want to have show up. helps job seekers find jobs in Pennsylvania without either being misleading or worse.

    Problem is, when they put just "Pennsylvania" into the google map locator, the map then replaces the "Pennsylvania" with "Linden, Pennsylvania" ...which is totally misleading.

    Is there a way to provide an option to allow the creator of the job posting to only enter the state (and to not have their choice of entering only the state to be replaced with a city, state response)?

    I know this sounds like a "micro" idea...but recruiters are major customers of job boards and most other job boards allow this. In order to be competitive (and equally as valuable as the others), this type of functionality is justified.

    Please advise.



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