JobRolle 1.2 - Job Packs
Hi : )
I've bought yesterday a new JobRoller 1.2 and test it on one of my wordpress. Once i tried to create a few job packs i see few bugs (or maybe i do something wrong).
I want to create job packs and fill:
- pack name
- pack description
- pack duration - leave blank
- pack cost
- job counts
- job duration - tried to leave blank but I can't. The question mark said that I can leave it blank but when I try to save settings JobRolles is siad to me that:
ERROR: “Job duration” is a required field.
What can i do with that to leave the job duration blank (with no end date)?
Another thing is that the currency in job packs is still in dollars $. I'm from Poland and I need to have it in polish currency (zł). I changed the settings in Prices to polish currency from $ but in job packs is still $. How can I change it?
Thanks for the answers : )