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Thread: JobRoller: how to create job page

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    JobRoller: how to create job page

    By default when jobroller is first uploaded there are default pages added such as blog, resumes, date, edit job, edit resume etc. I noticed there is no page for the jobs (job-archive.php) and when I try to create one the permlink automatically creates a second page for jobs. (jobs-2)

    Futhur explanation: for an example in the pages you can find resumes, now this page of course is related to the resume archive php and at some point there was a page created for it probably for SEO purposes. The jobs page does not have this luxery instead a date (which is job date php) page was created, but how can create an actual jobs page without wordpress adding a "2" to it (beacuse of course the peremlink jobs already exists, but there is not an actually page for it)

    I have tried temporally changing the "jobs" permalink in Jobroller > settings then changing it back once the jobs page was created but this did not work.

    Can I have some help with this?

  2. #2
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