JobsApp error!
Unfortunately, I couldn't find such a topic, so I have to start one.
You have downloaded the JOBSAPP child theme to the well-functioning 1.9.8 JOBRoller theme.
I found a lot of good things in it, but unfortunately a lot of things don't work properly.
There is no full screen mode, can you increase the current size?
Unfortunately, the box where you can browse between job type, salary, job category and Posting date does not open.
I can't change the radius unit when searching for jobs. I was able to change it to kilometers in Jobroller.
The text below the search field was not translated by Loco Translate.
Would it be possible to automatically list the jobs under the filter on the home page without pressing the filter button, as with JobRoller?
I can't use the JOBSAPP widgets, it says an error.
Can these problems be fixed?