<?php /** * JobRoller Theme Support * This file defines 'theme support' so wordpress knows what new features it can handle. * * * @version 1.0 * @author AppThemes * @package JobRoller * @copyright 2010 all rights reserved * */ // activate support for thumbnails if (function_exists('add_theme_support')) { // added in 2.9 add_theme_support( 'menus' ); add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails', array( 'post', 'job_listing', 'resume' ) ); set_post_thumbnail_size( 250, 250, false ); add_image_size('blog-thumbnail', 150, 150, true); // blog post thumbnail size, box resize mode add_image_size('sidebar-thumbnail', 48, 48, true); // sidebar blog thumbnail size, box resize mode add_image_size('listing-thumbnail', 28, 28, true); } function default_primary_nav() { global $wp_query; echo '<ul>'; echo '<li class="page_item '; if (is_front_page() && !isset($_GET['submit']) && !isset($_GET['myjobs'])) echo 'current_page_item'; echo '"><a href="'.get_bloginfo('url').'">'.__('Latest Jobs', 'appthemes').'</a></li>'; $args = array( 'hierarchical' => false, 'parent' => 0 ); $terms = get_terms( 'job_type', $args ); if ($terms) foreach($terms as $term) : echo '<li class="page_item '; if ( isset($wp_query->queried_object->slug) && $wp_query->queried_object->slug==$term->slug ) echo 'current_page_item'; echo '"><a href="'.get_term_link( $term->slug, 'job_type' ).'">'.$term->name.'</a></li>'; endforeach; echo '</ul>'; } function default_top_nav() { echo '<ul id="menu-top" class="menu">'; $exclude_pages = array(); $exclude_pages[] = get_option('page_on_front'); $exclude_pages[] = get_option('jr_dashboard_page_id'); $exclude_pages[] = get_option('jr_add_new_confirm_page_id'); $exclude_pages[] = get_option('jr_submit_page_id'); $exclude_pages[] = get_option('jr_user_profile_page_id'); $exclude_pages[] = get_option('jr_edit_job_page_id'); $exclude_pages[] = get_option('jr_date_archive_page_id'); $exclude_pages[] = get_option('jr_job_seeker_register_page_id'); if ( current_theme_supports ('app-login') ) { $exclude_pages[] = APP_Registration::get_id(); $exclude_pages[] = APP_Login::get_id(); $exclude_pages[] = APP_Password_Recovery::get_id(); $exclude_pages[] = APP_Password_Reset::get_id(); } if (get_option('jr_disable_blog')=='yes') $exclude_pages[] = get_option('jr_blog_page_id'); $exclude_pages = implode(',', $exclude_pages); echo wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&title_li=&echo=0&link_before=&link_after=&depth=1&exclude='.$exclude_pages); echo jr_top_nav_links(); echo '</ul>'; } /* Add items to top nav */ add_filter('wp_nav_menu_items', 'jr_top_nav_links', 2, 10); function jr_top_nav_links( $items = '', $menu = null) { if( !empty($menu) && $menu->theme_location != 'top') return $items; if (is_user_logged_in()) { $items .= '<li class="right"><a href="'.wp_logout_url( get_bloginfo('url') ).'">'.__('Logout', 'appthemes').'</a></li>'; if (get_option('jr_user_profile_page_id')) : $items .= '<li class="right '; if (is_page(get_option('jr_user_profile_page_id'))) $items .= 'current_page_item'; $items .= '"><a href="'.get_permalink(get_option('jr_user_profile_page_id')).'">'.__('My Profile', 'appthemes').'</a></li>'; endif; if (get_option('jr_dashboard_page_id') && is_user_logged_in()) : $items .= '<li class="right '; if (is_page(get_option('jr_dashboard_page_id'))) $items .= 'current_page_item'; $items .= '"><a href="'.get_permalink(get_option('jr_dashboard_page_id')).'">'.__('My Dashboard', 'appthemes').'</a></li>'; endif; } else { global $pagenow; if(isset($_GET['action'])) $theaction = $_GET['action']; else $theaction =''; $items .= '<li class="right '; if ($pagenow == 'wp-login.php' && $theaction !=='lostpassword' && !isset($_GET['key'])) $items .= 'current_page_item'; $items .= '"><a href="'.site_url('wp-login.php').'">'.__('Login/Register', 'appthemes').'</a></li>'; } if ( jr_resume_is_visible() || (is_user_logged_in() && jr_viewing_resumes_require_subscription()) ) : $items .= '<li class="right '; if (is_post_type_archive('resume')) $items .= 'current_page_item'; $items .= '"><a href="'.get_post_type_archive_link('resume').'">'.__('Browse Resumes', 'appthemes').'</a></li>'; endif; if (get_option('jr_submit_page_id') && (!is_user_logged_in() || (is_user_logged_in() && current_user_can('can_submit_job')))) : $items .= '<li class="right '; if (is_page(get_option('jr_submit_page_id'))) $items .= 'current_page_item'; $items .= '"><a href="'.get_permalink(get_option('jr_submit_page_id')).'">'.__('Submit a Job', 'appthemes').'</a></li>'; endif; $items .= '</ul>'; return $items; }
function default_primary_nav() { global $wp_query; echo '<ul class="some-class">';
function default_top_nav() { echo '<ul id="menu-top" class="menu">';
<ul id="menu-main" class="menu">
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