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Thread: Price/Pricing Table for AppThemes?

  1. #1
    ylly's Avatar
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    Question Price/Pricing Table for AppThemes?

    Hi, I would like to list all jobs packs prices in a html page. I have tried by adding a pricing/table (e.g. for my current jobroller theme (v1.6.4), however, none of the the available wordpress (price table) plugins (at least the free ones) is working with the current wordpress(v 3.5.1)/jobroller version (v1.6.4). Furthermore, there is no page template with all available job packs which includes the prices. So my question is: Is there any other option either in the admin panel or as a plugin to get this?

    In my opinion it would be better to have this info as a html page (template) because as a widget is sometimes difficult to decide where to put it as I would not like that "everyone" see for example. the prices on the home page (if I put the widget on the main page sidebar). Instead, I would prefer to have a "prices" or "Packages" link in a menu or as a link on the foot page.

    Thanks in advance and regards,

  2. #2
    jomarkosabel's Avatar
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    Thank you and have a nice day.

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