Registration as a Job Seeker or Employer problem-everyone always selecting Job Lister
On the registration page all new users are signing up for Job Lister (Employer) instead of Job Seeker. On the registration page the select button is automatically selected as Job Lister (Employer). Is there a way to make them have to select what they are Job Lister or Job Seeker? If so, if they go to submit their registration without selecting one or the other will it give them an error message so that they have to select one or the other?
Also, is there a way to change the text Job Lister to Employer/Recruiter, as I believe this is also confusing to the Job Seeker.
I am a beginner to this so if you have a solution please give me very basic steps and walk me through the whole process so I can make the changes. Any help would be greatly appreciated.